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The AHD Stud

Ashleigh has been running the stud since 2012 and now has 4 broodmares as part of her breeding programme.

The stud has produced a number of Higher First Premium foals and Elite Premium Foals.

Her first homebred Floriek (Floriscount x Jazz) became Regional Champion in 2018.

Don Domoniek (Don Frederic x Jazz) was British Breeding Futurity Equine bridge highest scoring 5yr old with the best trot mark of the day in 2019.

Both Floriek and Don Domoniek were out of Ashleighs Taktiek STV (Jazz x Variant).

Ashleigh also has Willemien (Jazz x Jalisco), Lilli Maleen (Laurie's Crusader x Warkant) and Dakota Bec (Lord Leatherdale x Fruhling) as part of the programme.


 Ashleigh values the mare's crucial role in the breeding process and understands fully, all her mares ride-ability, temperament and Conformation prior to breeding from them. She works hard to find stallions with conformation and traits that suit her mares and therefore consistently produces kind, talented, rideable horses who stay sound in their work.

Ashleigh occasionally has homebred horses for sale. Keep an eye on her Facebook page for adverts or let Ashleigh know what you are looking for and she will endeavour to help.

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